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Acryloyl-X, SE, 6-((acryloyl)amino)hexanoic Acid, Succinimidyl Ester , CAS No.A638706

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Basic Description

Storage TempProtected from light,Store at -20°C
Shipped InIce chest + Ice pads
Product Description

Product introduction:

The succinimidyl ester of acryloyl-X, SE (6-((acryloyl)amino)hexanoic acid) reacts with amines, of proteins, amine-modified nucleic acids and other biomolecules to yield acrylamides that can be copolymerized into polyacrylamide matrices or on surfaces, such as in microarrays and in biosensors.

Product Properties



C of A & Other Certificates(BSE/TSE, COO)

Related Documents


1. Reinhart-King CA, Dembo M, Hammer DA.  ()  The dynamics and mechanics of endothelial cell spreading..  Biophys J,      [PMID:15849250] []
2. Hung SC et al..  (1997)  Optimization of spectroscopic and electrophoretic properties of energy transfer primers..  Anal Biochem,  252  (78-88).  [PMID:9324944]

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