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Aladdin™ Amine-PEG4-Desthiobiotin , CAS No.A638714

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Basic Description

Storage TempStore at -20°C
Shipped InIce chest + Ice pads
Product Description

Product introduction:

Amine-PEG4-Desthiobiotin is a pegylated amine compound whose biotin-like group is elutable from streptavidin, making it ideal for carbodiimide (EDC) conjugation to carboxylates for labeling and purification.

Features of EZ-Link Amine-PEG4-Desthiobiotin, No-Weigh Format:

Desthiobiotin—analog of biotin allows easy elution from streptavidin, an ideal feature for affinity purification applications
Amine-activated—primary amine can be crosslinked to proteins and material surfaces using EDC and other crosslinkers
Pegylated—polyethylene glycol (PEG) groups in spacer arm enhances water solubility of biotinylated molecules

This desthiobiotin compound is an amine-modified analog of biotin that contains a 4-unit polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer arm. Desthiobiotinylation is accomplished by conjugating the primary amine to carboxyl groups on surface materials, peptides or proteins using the carbodiimide crosslinker . Carboxyl groups (-COOH) occur in aspartate or glutamate residues and the carboxy-terminus of polypeptides. When activated with NHS-ester Chemistry).

Spacer:Pegylated,28.8 Å

Labeling Method:Chemical Labeling

Cell Permeability:Cell-Impermeant

Product Properties

ReactivityAldehyde,Carboxylic Acid,Ketone


C of A & Other Certificates(BSE/TSE, COO)

Chemical and Physical Properties


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