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P bodies/GW bodies

P Bodies (Processing Bodies): P bodies are cytoplasmic granules that contain various RNA molecules and proteins involved in mRNA degradation, translation repression, and storage. P bodies are involved in the degradation of mRNAs that are no longer needed or are targeted by RNAi mechanisms. They also play a role in regulating translation by sequestering mRNAs away from the ribosomes. P bodies contain various components, including enzymes that degrade mRNA, microRNAs (miRNAs), and proteins involved in RNAi and translational repression. GW Bodies (GW182 Bodies): GW bodies, also known as GW182 bodies, are a subtype of P bodies that specifically play a role in miRNA-mediated gene silencing. GW bodies contain GW182 protein and are involved in the repression of target mRNAs bound by miRNAs. These bodies are thought to be sites where miRNA-bound mRNAs are stored and degraded, contributing to gene silencing and regulation.