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Neurodevelopment involves many processes, including neural tube development and cell migration. Understanding how these mechanisms are regulated is critical for exploring brain function in human health and disease. Finding answers demands detailed knowledge and robust data, which is why we have developed a comprehensive portfolio of tools to help you thoroughly investigate neurodevelopment. We will work with you to ensure you can access the solutions and information you need to initiate your next breakthrough. Imaging studies help achieve critical insights into neural activity, so we have used our deep scientific expertise to create a wide range of solutions. We use recombinant technology to achieve the highest specificity and batch-to-batch consistency for your imaging and cell culture studies, including antibody, proteins, and ELISA kits. Our broad range of conjugation solutions includes carrier-free antibodies, giving you the flexibility to build multiplex panels that meet your needs for the generation of clean, reproducible data. We also validate our products in relevant sample types, such as primary and human-iPSC-derived cells, and cutting-edge methods, such as iDISCO.