Assay Report Card

Basic Information

ID: ALA1614179

Type: Functional

Description: PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: Late stage results from the probe development effort to identify inhibitors of the protein methylesterase PME-1: Luminescence-based counterscreen assay to identify cytotoxic compounds. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2143 (Summary AID (PME-1 inhibitors)), 2130 (PME-1 inhibitors in singlate), 2174 (LYPLA1 inhibitors in singlate), 2177 (LYPLA2 inhibitors in singlate), 2233 (LYPLA1 inhibitors in triplicate), 2232 (LYPLA2 inhibitors in triplicate), 2171 (PME-1 inhibitors in triplicate), 2291 (PME-1 inhibitors in singlate)]

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area