In vivo displacement of [3H]Nemonapride from dopamine D2 receptor in Sprague-Dawley rat medial of caudate putamen at 13.75 mg/kg, ip qd for 28 days by...

Basic Information

ID: ALA2026395

Type: Functional

Description: In vivo displacement of [3H]Nemonapride from dopamine D2 receptor in Sprague-Dawley rat medial of caudate putamen at 13.75 mg/kg, ip qd for 28 days by autoradiography relative to control

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Rattus norvegicus

Strain: Sprague-Dawley

Tissue: Caudate-putamen

Target:  Caudate-putamen(ALA613618)

Document:  ALA2021876

In vivo displacement of [3H]Nemonapride from dopamine D2 receptor in Sprague-Dawley rat medial of caudate putamen at 13.75 mg/kg, ip qd for 28 days by autoradiography relative to control: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area