Ratio of CC50 for Huntington's disease patient derived fibroblasts to IC50 for HSP90 in HEK cells expressing full-length mHtt Q73 gene assessed as red...

Basic Information

ID: ALA3242277

Type: Unassigned

Description: Ratio of CC50 for Huntington's disease patient derived fibroblasts to IC50 for HSP90 in HEK cells expressing full-length mHtt Q73 gene assessed as reduction of mHtt level

Format: BAO_0000219

Organism: Homo sapiens

Cell type: HEK293

Target:  Unchecked(ALA612545)

Document:  ALA3232825

Ratio of CC50 for Huntington's disease patient derived fibroblasts to IC50 for HSP90 in HEK cells expressing full-length mHtt Q73 gene assessed as reduction of mHtt level: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area