Irreversible antagonist activity at Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasR expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 at 10 to 100 uM after 4 to 6 hrs by GFP reporte...

Basic Information

ID: ALA3425158

Type: Binding

Description: Irreversible antagonist activity at Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasR expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 at 10 to 100 uM after 4 to 6 hrs by GFP reporter gene assay in presence of LasR agonist 3-oxo-C12HSL

Format: BAO_0000019

Organism: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Target:  Transcriptional activator protein lasR(ALA1075207)

Document:  ALA3421563

Irreversible antagonist activity at Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasR expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 at 10 to 100 uM after 4 to 6 hrs by GFP reporter gene assay in presence of LasR agonist 3-oxo-C12HSL: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area