Drug metabolism in pooled human liver microsomes assessed as clozapine N-oxide metabolite formation at 100 uM after 30 mins by HPLC analysis in presen...

Basic Information

ID: ALA3540254

Type: ADME

Description: Drug metabolism in pooled human liver microsomes assessed as clozapine N-oxide metabolite formation at 100 uM after 30 mins by HPLC analysis in presence of GSH and hGST P1-1

Format: BAO_0000019

Organism: Homo sapiens

Tissue: Liver

Target:  Liver microsome(ALA2367379)

Document:  ALA3525934

Drug metabolism in pooled human liver microsomes assessed as clozapine N-oxide metabolite formation at 100 uM after 30 mins by HPLC analysis in presence of GSH and hGST P1-1: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area