Reduction in intraocular pressure in Chinchilla rabbit assessed as maximum effective time required for reduction of intraaocular pressure at 0.1% afte...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4057010

Type: Functional

Description: Reduction in intraocular pressure in Chinchilla rabbit assessed as maximum effective time required for reduction of intraaocular pressure at 0.1% after application of one drop (0.06 ml) of solution containing active compound/vehicle every hour (during 6 hours and after 24 hours) and measured after 6 hrs post dose by automatic tonometry

Format: BAO_0000019

Organism: Oryctolagus cuniculus

Strain: Chinchilla

Target:  Oryctolagus cuniculus(ALA374)

Document:  ALA4052743

Reduction in intraocular pressure in Chinchilla rabbit assessed as maximum effective time required for reduction of intraaocular pressure at 0.1% after application of one drop (0.06 ml) of solution containing active compound/vehicle every hour (during 6 hours and after 24 hours) and measured after 6 hrs post dose by automatic tonometry: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area