Induction of proton motive force collapse in Escherichia coli inverted membrane vesicle in presence of succinate/O2-driven PMF generation system by AC...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4197179

Type: Functional

Description: Induction of proton motive force collapse in Escherichia coli inverted membrane vesicle in presence of succinate/O2-driven PMF generation system by ACMA-based fluorescence assay

Format: BAO_0000249

Organism: Escherichia coli

Target:  Unchecked(ALA612545)

Document:  ALA4196022

Induction of proton motive force collapse in Escherichia coli inverted membrane vesicle in presence of succinate/O2-driven PMF generation system by ACMA-based fluorescence assay: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area