Inhibition of angiogenesis in FLK1-GFP trangenic zebrafish model of angiogenesis assessed as effect on vasculature exposed to compound starting at lat...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4257276

Type: Functional

Description: Inhibition of angiogenesis in FLK1-GFP trangenic zebrafish model of angiogenesis assessed as effect on vasculature exposed to compound starting at later stage (20 hpf) by fluorescence microscopy

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Danio rerio

Target:  Danio rerio(ALA613963)

Document:  ALA4257222

Inhibition of angiogenesis in FLK1-GFP trangenic zebrafish model of angiogenesis assessed as effect on vasculature exposed to compound starting at later stage (20 hpf) by fluorescence microscopy: 38

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area