Antioxidant activity in C57BL/6J mouse model of cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress assessed as inhibition of neutrophil infiltration at 0.1 to...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4333219

Type: Functional

Description: Antioxidant activity in C57BL/6J mouse model of cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress assessed as inhibition of neutrophil infiltration at 0.1 to 100 umol/kg, po dosed 24 hrs prior to cigarette smoking followed by qd dosing with cigarette smoking for 3 days by Wright-Giemsa staining based hemocytometry

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Mus musculus

Strain: C57BL/6J

Target:  Mus musculus(ALA375)

Document:  ALA4330129

Antioxidant activity in C57BL/6J mouse model of cigarette smoking-induced oxidative stress assessed as inhibition of neutrophil infiltration at 0.1 to 100 umol/kg, po dosed 24 hrs prior to cigarette smoking followed by qd dosing with cigarette smoking for 3 days by Wright-Giemsa staining based hemocytometry: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area