Inhibition of KC/GRO-induced neutrophil migration in Wistar rat air pouch model at 10 mg/kg, po pretreated for 0.5 hrs followed by KC/GRO-stimulation ...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4352663

Type: Functional

Description: Inhibition of KC/GRO-induced neutrophil migration in Wistar rat air pouch model at 10 mg/kg, po pretreated for 0.5 hrs followed by KC/GRO-stimulation and measured after 4 hrs by flow cytometry relative to control

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Rattus norvegicus

Strain: Wistar

Target:  Rattus norvegicus(ALA376)

Document:  ALA4350965

Inhibition of KC/GRO-induced neutrophil migration in Wistar rat air pouch model at 10 mg/kg, po pretreated for 0.5 hrs followed by KC/GRO-stimulation and measured after 4 hrs by flow cytometry relative to control: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area