Inhibition of human matrix metalloprotease 2 at 50 uM treated with enzyme for 30 mins prior to substrate addition using omniMMP fluorogenic substrate ...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4396749

Type: Binding

Description: Inhibition of human matrix metalloprotease 2 at 50 uM treated with enzyme for 30 mins prior to substrate addition using omniMMP fluorogenic substrate measured for 30 mins by fluorescence based assay

Format: BAO_0000357

Organism: Homo sapiens

Target:  Matrix metalloproteinase-2(ALA333)

Document:  ALA4393736

Inhibition of human matrix metalloprotease 2 at 50 uM treated with enzyme for 30 mins prior to substrate addition using omniMMP fluorogenic substrate measured for 30 mins by fluorescence based assay: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area