Trypanocidal activity against Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain trypomastigotes infected in C57BL/6 mouse peritoneal macrophage assessed as reduction in numb...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4668030

Type: Functional

Description: Trypanocidal activity against Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain trypomastigotes infected in C57BL/6 mouse peritoneal macrophage assessed as reduction in number of trypomastigotes release and measured after day 3 to day 11 post-infection by Neubauer chamber method

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Trypanosoma cruzi

Strain: Y

Cell type: Peritoneal macrophage

Target:  Trypanosoma cruzi(ALA368)

Document:  ALA4665666

Trypanocidal activity against Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain trypomastigotes infected in C57BL/6 mouse peritoneal macrophage assessed as reduction in number of trypomastigotes release and measured after day 3 to day 11 post-infection by Neubauer chamber method: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area