Induction of cell differentiation in mouse bone marrow cells transformed with MLL-AF9 assessed as change in morphology incubated for 6 days by Wright-...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4684513

Type: Functional

Description: Induction of cell differentiation in mouse bone marrow cells transformed with MLL-AF9 assessed as change in morphology incubated for 6 days by Wright-Giemsa staining based inverted microscopy

Format: BAO_0000219

Organism: Mus musculus

Cell type: Bone marrow cell

Target:  Bone marrow cell(ALA4296515)

Document:  ALA4680176

Induction of cell differentiation in mouse bone marrow cells transformed with MLL-AF9 assessed as change in morphology incubated for 6 days by Wright-Giemsa staining based inverted microscopy: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area