Binding affinity to TA-core G4 DNA 5'-TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GG-3' (unknown origin) assessed as Gibbs free energy change measured under dilution ...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4810825

Type: Binding

Description: Binding affinity to TA-core G4 DNA 5'-TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GG-3' (unknown origin) assessed as Gibbs free energy change measured under dilution conditions by isothermal titration calorimetry

Format: BAO_0000225

Organism: Homo sapiens

Target:  quadruplex DNA(ALA3832742)

Document:  ALA4808234

Binding affinity to TA-core G4 DNA 5'-TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GGT TAG GG-3' (unknown origin) assessed as Gibbs free energy change measured under dilution conditions by isothermal titration calorimetry: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area