Toxicity against non-human primate hepatocytes infected with liver stage Plasmodium cynomolgi B incubated for 4 days starting on day 4 post-sporozoite...

Basic Information

ID: ALA4834385

Type: ADME

Description: Toxicity against non-human primate hepatocytes infected with liver stage Plasmodium cynomolgi B incubated for 4 days starting on day 4 post-sporozoite inoculation

Format: BAO_0000221

Organism: Primates

Cell type: Hepatocyte

Target:  ADMET(ALA612558)

Document:  ALA4831562

Toxicity against non-human primate hepatocytes infected with liver stage Plasmodium cynomolgi B incubated for 4 days starting on day 4 post-sporozoite inoculation: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area