Drug uptake in human HGC-27 cells assessed as increase in fluorescence intensity of green signal at 8 uM measured after 1 hr by fluorescence microscop...

Basic Information

ID: ALA5047650

Type: ADME

Description: Drug uptake in human HGC-27 cells assessed as increase in fluorescence intensity of green signal at 8 uM measured after 1 hr by fluorescence microscopic analysis

Format: BAO_0000219

Organism: Homo sapiens

Cell type: HGC-27

Target:  ADMET(ALA612558)

Document:  ALA5046249

Drug uptake in human HGC-27 cells assessed as increase in fluorescence intensity of green signal at 8 uM measured after 1 hr by fluorescence microscopic analysis: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area