Suppression of renal cyst development in Pkd1 flox/flox;Ksp-Cre mouse model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease assessed as reduction in c...

Basic Information

ID: ALA5148385

Type: Functional

Description: Suppression of renal cyst development in Pkd1 flox/flox;Ksp-Cre mouse model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease assessed as reduction in cyst formation at 5 mg/kg, sc administered once daily starting from postnatal day 6 to 12 days by hematoxylin and eosin staining based assay

Format: BAO_0000218

Organism: Mus musculus

Target:  Mus musculus(ALA375)

Document:  ALA5143707

Suppression of renal cyst development in Pkd1 flox/flox;Ksp-Cre mouse model of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease assessed as reduction in cyst formation at 5 mg/kg, sc administered once daily starting from postnatal day 6 to 12 days by hematoxylin and eosin staining based assay: 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area