Irreversible binding affinity at delta-receptor was evaluated as % of control specific binding remaining protected at concentration of 10 (nM) using [...

Basic Information

ID: ALA753859

Type: Binding

Description: Irreversible binding affinity at delta-receptor was evaluated as % of control specific binding remaining protected at concentration of 10 (nM) using [3H]DPDPE radioligand Values from 3 separate assays (+/-10%)

Format: BAO_0000357

Organism: Cavia porcellus

Target:  Delta opioid receptor(ALA236)

Document:  ALA1128234

Irreversible binding affinity at delta-receptor was evaluated as % of control specific binding remaining protected at concentration of 10 (nM) using [3H]DPDPE radioligand Values from 3 separate assays (+/-10%): 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area