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Inhibition expressed as percent change in diastolic blood pressure increased by AVP (30 milliunits / kg, iv) before and after oral administration at 7...

Basic Information

ID: ALA815435

Type: Functional

Description: Inhibition expressed as percent change in diastolic blood pressure increased by AVP (30 milliunits / kg, iv) before and after oral administration at 76 uM/kg (n=4)

Format: BAO_0000218

Tissue: Artery

Target:  Vasopressin V1a receptor(ALA2868)

Document:  ALA1126733

Inhibition expressed as percent change in diastolic blood pressure increased by AVP (30 milliunits / kg, iv) before and after oral administration at 76 uM/kg (n=4): 1

Activity Charts

Compound Summary

Parent Molecular WeightALogPPolar Surface Area