Document Report Card

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ID: ALA1150294

Journal: Bioorg Med Chem

Title: Synthesis of indirubin-N'-glycosides and their anti-proliferative activity against human cancer cell lines.

Authors: Libnow S, Methling K, Hein M, Michalik D, Harms M, Wende K, Flemming A, Köckerling M, Reinke H, Bednarski PJ, Lalk M, Langer P.

Abstract: The first indirubin-N'-glycosides were prepared based on reactions of isatin-N'-glycosides with indoxyls. The products show a significant anti-proliferative activity against various human cancer cell lines. Good results were observed for an indirubin-N'-mannoside which was shown to have medium to high anti-proliferative activity against all investigated cell lines. The highest activities and selectivities against the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line were observed for indirubin-N'-rhamnosides.

CiteXplore: 18434163

DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2008.04.003