Document Report Card
Basic Information
ID: ALA5244246
Journal: Eur J Med Chem
Title: Recent advances in chemistry and bioactivity of marine cyanobacteria Moorea species.
Authors: Xu J, Zhang T, Yao J, Lu J, Liu Z, Ding L.
Abstract: Cyanobacteria are one of the oldest creatures on earth, originated 3.5-3.3 billion years ago, and are distributed all over the world, including freshwater ponds and lakes, hot springs, and polar ice, especially in tropical and subtropical marine locations. Due to their large multimodular non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS) biosynthetic machinery, cyanobacteria have represented a significant new source of structurally bioactive secondary metabolites. Moorea as a prolific producer have yielded lots of natural products with a variety of bioactivities such as highly cytotoxicity, anticancer activity, ion channel blocking activity, brine shrimp toxicity and other activities. Some of secondary metabolites have been identified as potential lead compounds for the development of anticancer agents. In this review, a total of 111 bioactive marine cyanobacterial secondary metabolites from the genus Moorea, published in the 54 literatures updated to the middle of 2019 and some synthetic analogues, are discussed with emphasis on their structures and biological activities.
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