Adenylate cyclase

Name And Classification

ID:  ALA2097167


Synonyms: | ADCY4 | Adenylate cyclase type 4 | Adenylate cyclase type IV | Adenylyl cyclase 4 | ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 4

Organism:  Homo sapiens

Species Group:  Homo sapiens

Protein Target Classification:   Enzyme / Lyase

Target Relations

ALA IDRelationshipPref NameTarget Type

Target Components

Adenylate cyclase type 4PROTEINQ8NFM4
Adenylate cyclase type 9PROTEINO60503
Adenylate cyclase type 1PROTEINQ08828
Adenylate cyclase type 8PROTEINP40145
Adenylate cyclase type 3PROTEINO60266
Adenylate cyclase type 5PROTEINO95622
Adenylate cyclase type 6PROTEINO43306
Adenylate cyclase type 2PROTEINQ08462
Adenylate cyclase type 7PROTEINP51828

Associated Recombinant Proteins

NameSpecification and purityExpression systemProtein labelActivityView Details

Associated Antibodies

NameSpecificationsSpecies reactivityspeciesApplicationView Details

Associated Active Ligands