Coagulation factor VII and X

Name And Classification

ID:  ALA2111412


Synonyms: | Activated factor Xa heavy chain | Coagulation factor X | F10 | Factor X heavy chain | Factor X light chain | Stuart factor | Stuart-Prower factor

Organism:  Homo sapiens

Species Group:  Homo sapiens

Protein Target Classification:   Enzyme / Protease / Serine protease / Serine protease PA clan / Serine protease S1A subfamily

Target Relations

ALA IDRelationshipPref NameTarget Type

Target Components

Coagulation factor XPROTEINP00742
Coagulation factor VIIPROTEINP08709

Associated Recombinant Proteins

NameSpecification and purityExpression systemProtein labelActivityView Details

Associated Antibodies

NameSpecificationsSpecies reactivityspeciesApplicationView Details

Associated Active Ligands