PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS assay for re-activators of p53 using a Luc reporter. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID504709]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Assay for the Inhibitors of Human Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1). (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID488813]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella Typhimurium. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2253, 1981, 1874 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A counter screen for small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella typhi. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 1850, 1864, 2252, 1985 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Assay for Promiscuous and Specific Inhibitors of Cruzain (with detergent). (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2158 (Confirmation qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of Cruzain), 2249 (Probe Development Summary of Promiscuous Inhibitors (Artifacts) of Cruzain), 2161 (qHTS Assay for Inhibitors of Papain: Counterscreen for Cruzain Assay), 1476 (qHTS Assay for Promiscuous and Specific Inhibitors of Cruzain (without detergent))]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Multiplex Assay to Identify Dual Action Probes in a Cell Model of Huntington: Aggregate Formation (GFP). (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 1482, 1471 ]