PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella Typhimurium using a modified counterscreen. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2253, 1863, 1874 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A Counter Screen to identiry small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella Typhimurium. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2253, 1863, 1981, 1874 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella Typhimurium. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 2253, 1981, 1874 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A counter screen for small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella typhi. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 1850, 1864, 2252, 1985 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Assay for Inhibitors Targeting the Menin-MLL Interaction in MLL Related Leukemias: Competition With Texas Red Labeled MLL-derived Mutant Peptide. (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: A small molecule screen for inhibitors of the PhoP region in Salmonella typhi. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 1864, 2252, 1985 ]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS for inhibitors of binding or entry into cells for Marburg Virus. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID463114, AID540249, AID540278]
PubChem BioAssay. A quantitative high throughput screen for small molecules that induce DNA re-replication in SW480 colon adenocarcinoma cells. (Class of assay: confirmatory)