PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Assay for the Inhibitors of L3MBTL1. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays: 485292 (Probe Development Summary for Inhibitors of L3MBTL1)]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: Dose Response confirmation of uHTS for inhibitors of Sentrin-specific protease 7 (SENP7) using a Luminescent assay. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID434973, AID434986]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: Dose Response confirmation of uHTS for inhibitors of Sentrin-specific protease 6 (SENP6) using a Luminescent assay. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID2575, AID2582, AID2599]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: Dose Response confirmation of uHTS for inhibitors of Sentrin-specific protease 8 (SENP8) using a Luminescent assay. (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID2540, AID2575, AID2582, AID434986]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: qHTS Assay for the Inhibitors of Human Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1). (Class of assay: confirmatory) [Related pubchem assays (depositor defined):AID488813]
PUBCHEM_BIOASSAY: Absorbance-based biochemical high throughput dose response assay for activators of Methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA). (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PubChem BioAssay. Dose-response confirmation of uHTS inhibitor hits of Sentrin-Specific Protease 8 using a kinetic assay with Nedd8 Protein Substrate. (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PubChem BioAssay. ARNT-TAC3: AlphaScreen HTS to detect disruption of ARNT/TAC3 interactions Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 2158-01_Inhibitor_Dose_CherryPick_Activity. (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PubChem BioAssay. Dose response confirmation of uHTS inhibitor hits of Sentrin-Specific Protease 8 using Nedd8 Protein Substrate. (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PubChem BioAssay. Dose-response confirmation of uHTS inhibitor hits of Sentrin-Specific Protease 8 in a Caspase-3 Fluorescence assay. (Class of assay: confirmatory)
PubChem BioAssay. Development of Small Molecule Probes of the Histone Methyltransferase, NSD2 Measured in Biochemical System Using Plate Reader - 7053-01_Inhibitor_Dose_CherryPick_Activity. (Class of assay: confirmatory)