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Data Sources

Welcome to the Sources page. At Aladdin Scientific, we value transparency and ensure that all scientific data used on our platform is sourced from credible, open-access databases. Below, you will find a list of the primary data sources used across our website, along with links to the relevant databases and specific information about their terms of use.

Data Sources

Name  Description Website Terms of Use

A comprehensive database that allows users to search for antibodies and associated validation information across various studies. Aintibodypedia Terms


 ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on ‘small’ chemical compounds, providing detailed information on chemical structures, properties, and biological roles. CheBI Terms
ChEMBL  ChEMBL is a database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties. It provides a wealth of data on molecular interactions, targets, and bioactivity. ChEMBL Terms

ChemFOnt is a web-based platform for the prediction of the toxicity and biological effects of chemical compounds. ChemFOnt Terms

 ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast access to over 100 million structures, properties, and associated information. It integrates data from various sources and allows researchers to search by chemical structure, name, or formula. Chemspider Terms

A classification system for chemical compounds that provides hierarchical and structural information on a broad range of molecules. Classyfire Terms
Drug Central

A comprehensive online drug compendium containing detailed information on various approved drugs and experimental therapeutics. Drug Central Terms
Drug Target Ontology

A resource that provides a structured vocabulary for classifying drug targets based on their molecular function and role in diseases. DTO Terms
Gene Ontology

A framework for the model of biology that represents gene functions across all species. It provides a controlled vocabulary to describe gene products in terms of their associated biological processes. Gene Ontology Terms
GWAS Catalog

A database that provides a comprehensive repository of published genome-wide association studies and findings. GWAS Catalog Terms
Guide to Pharmacology

An open-access resource that provides information on the pharmacology of drug targets and the substances that interact with them. IUPHAR Terms

The HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) provides a curated list of unique symbols and names for human genes. HGNC Terms
HMDB (Human Metabolome Database) The Human Metabolome Database provides detailed information about small molecules found in the human body, with a focus on metabolomics and molecular biology.  HMDB Terms

A database that offers automatic detection of homologous genes among the genomes of various eukaryotes. No license mentioned on download site.
Human Cell Atlas

A project to map and characterize all cell types in the human body as a basis for understanding human health and disease. Human Cell Atlas Terms
Human Protein Atlas

Provides information on the human proteome, including tissue and cell-specific expression profiles based on antibody-based and mass spectrometry techniques. Human Protein Atlas Terms
IDG Families

A repository of data and resources related to proteins in the druggable genome, used by the Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) project. IDG Families Terms
Jensen Lab

A resource offering various datasets generated by the JensenLab, focusing on computational biology and protein interactions. Jensen Lab Terms
KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) KEGG is a database resource for understanding high-level functions and utilities of the biological system, such as the cell and the organism, from molecular-level information. KEGG Terms
Monarch Disease Associations

The Monarch Initiative integrates biological data about genes, pathways, and phenotypes to support cross-species analysis of diseases and traits. Monarch Terms

NCBI Gene integrates data from scientific literature and major biomedical resources to provide a comprehensive view of gene information. NIH Terms

The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a comprehensive database of human genes and genetic disorders. OMIM Terms
PANTHER protein classes

A database that classifies proteins (and their genes) by their functions, using published scientific experimental evidence and evolutionary relationships. PANTHER Terms

A resource for biological pathway data, including cellular processes and molecular interactions. PathwayCommons Terms

Pharos provides integrated data and tools for exploring the druggable genome. Pharos Terms
Pubchem PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It provides information on the biological activities of small molecules and is a key resource for chemical structure, bioactivity, and research data. Pubchem Terms
PubMed PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature, helping users access scientific publications and references. NCBI Terms
Reactome Pathways

A resource for biological pathway data, including cellular processes and molecular interactions. Reactome Pathways Terms

The Rat Genome Database (RGD) provides curated genetic, genomic, and disease data for rat models. RGD Terms
RGD Disease Ontology The RGD Disease Ontology provides curated information about diseases in rats, linked to genetic data and disease models used in biomedical research. It is a key resource for understanding disease-gene relationships in rodent models. RGD Disease Ontology Terms
SciFinder SciFinder is a research discovery tool that allows scientists to access a wide range of research from many scientific disciplines, including chemistry and biology. It provides access to the CAS database, which includes chemical substances, reactions, and literature references. SciFinder Terms
TDLs (Target Development Levels) TDLs categorize drug targets based on their development stage (Tclin, Tchem, Tbio, and Tdark), indicating the level of understanding and available research on these targets. It is used to prioritize potential drug discovery targets. CC Terms

A comprehensive resource for protein sequence and functional information, covering data on sequences, structures, and variations. UniProt Terms

A collaborative platform for pathway curation, where scientists contribute and refine biological pathways. Wikipathways Terms

Data Attribution:

Whenever data from the aforementioned sources is used on our platform, the relevant reference will be included with the data or displayed on the appropriate page. This ensures that you have clear visibility into the origin of the data.

Internal Data:

In addition to data sourced from public databases, Aladdin Scientific may also incorporate proprietary data from internal research and partnerships. These datasets will be clearly labeled as "Aladdin Proprietary Data" where applicable.


The data on our platform is intended for informational and educational purposes. While we strive for accuracy, we encourage users to consult original sources for critical scientific or legal inquiries.

Contact Us: If you have any questions regarding the data sources or terms of use, feel free to contact us at