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dNTP Mix (10 mM each) - 5 ml, high purity

  • 5 ml
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Basic Description

Specifications & Purity5 ml
Storage TempStore at -20°C
Shipped InIce chest + Ice pads
Product Description

This product is an equimolar mixture (10mM each) of dATP, dGTP, dCTP, and dTTP, and can be used in conjunction with all heat-resistant polymerase enzymes. The purity of dNTP is above 98%.

Component D665873 5ml
dNTP Mix(10 mM each) 5×1 ml

DNTP (10 mM each) can be used directly or diluted to an appropriate concentration with sterile ultrapure water adjusted to neutral (pH around 7.5). Can be used for PCR reactions, Real time PCR, DNA sequencing, molecular labeling, cDNA synthesis, etc.


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