Manage your company credit

If Payment on Account is enabled by Aladdin, Your companies can make purchases on your account up to the credit limit that is granted to your company. When enabled, you as our customer can check the status of your company credit from your account dashboard.


Aladdin can set the following credit-related parameters for your company profile:

• Credit Currency

• Credit Limit

• Allow to Exceed Credit Limit

• Reason for Change



Company credit activity



Your Company Credit section of your company profile displays a summary of the customer credit activity, with a grid of your company credit history.




The date of the transaction. To display the date and time, hover over the date.


The type of activity associated with the transaction. Values:
Allocated - Credit assigned to the company.
Updated - A change was applied to one of the following fields: Credit limit / Credit currency / Allow to exceed credit limit
Purchased - An order was placed.
Reimbursed - The outstanding balance was reimbursed.
Refunded - A credit memo amount was refunded.
Reverted - The order was canceled and the amount returned to the credit balance.


The amount of the transaction associated with the following transaction types: Purchased / Reimbursed / Refunded / Reverted
For purchase amounts, the amount appears in the display currency of the store and in the format of the credit currency setting, followed by the current conversion rate (if applicable). For example:
EUR 20,000.00 ($22,400.00)
USD/EUR 0.8928

Outstanding Balance

The amount reimbursed, less the total due from all orders placed using the Payment on Account method. The amount might appear as a positive or negative value.
Positive value - An advance payment is represented as a positive value.
Negative value - An amount due is represented as a negative value.

Available Credit

The sum of the Credit Limit and the Outstanding Balance. If the company has exceeded the credit limit, the amount appears as a negative value.

Credit Limit

The amount of credit extended to the company.

Updated By

The name of the person who initiated the operation.

Custom Reference Number

The custom reference number that is associated with the transaction.


A compilation of the values from the Reason for Change field, according to operation type.
Purchased - Includes comments from the purchase, and the order number and link to the order.
Reimbursed - Includes comments from the reimbursed transaction.


For Reimbursed operations only. Edit - Allows the reimbursement amount to be updated.

Aladdin Storefront credit information


For your company administrator, the account dashboard displays your Company Credit section provided by Aladdin. It provides the current outstanding balance, available credit, and the credit limit that is allocated to your company account followed by a list of outstanding invoices.


If you company cancels an order that was charged to your company credit, the amount of the order is returned to your company balance and the Credit Allocation History includes a record of the action.