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Automated Immunohistochemical Staining Protocol for Anti-PD-L1

Licia Miller   Product Manager


Phase 1   Deparaffinization and antigen retrieval


  • Ventana Ultra


Required Materials


IHC reagents

- Xylene

- Ethanol

- HIER Antigen Retrieval Universal Reagent



- Leica ST5020 Multistainer

- BioCare Medical Decloaking Chamber™ Plus


Experimental Steps


1. Perform sample baking and dewaxing on a Leica ST5020 Multistainer according to the following procedure :

• 3 × 3 min, xylene

• 2 × 2 min, 100% ethanol

• 1 × 1 min, 95% ethanol

• 1 × 1 min, 70% ethanol

• 1 × 3 min , PBS treatment

• Bake at 65°C for 10 minutes


2. Perform antigen retrieval using HIER Antigen Retrieval Universal Reagent at 110°C for 10 minutes in a BioCare Medical Decloaking Chamber™ Plus.


  • Dako Omnis


Required Materials


- Primary antibody: anti-PD-L1 antibody

- Clearify Clearing Agent

- Deionized water

- EnVision FLEX TRS, Low pH


Experimental Steps


1. Dewaxing.

Phase 1:

Solvents Clearify Clearing Agent
Transferring liquids Deionized water
Temperature 25℃
Incubation (top) 10 seconds
Incubation (bottom) 1 minute
#cycle 1

Phase 2:

Reagents Clearify
Transferring liquids Deionized water
Incubation 5 seconds
#cycle 1

2. Antigen retrieval (demasking).

IHC reagents EnVision FLEX TRS, Low pH
Transferring liquids Deionized water
Temperature 97℃
Incubation 30 minutes
Coolant Deionized water

Phase 2   IHC staining


  • Leica BOND RX


Required Materials


IHC Reagents

- Bond™ Dewaxing Solution

- Bond™ Epitope retrieval 1 (ER1)

- Bond™ Cleaning Fluid

- Bond™ Polymer Refine Detection Kit

- Commonly used antibody diluents

- Anti-PD-L1 antibodies

- Isotype control antibody, such as rabbit monoclonal antibody



- Leica BOND RX A utostainer


Experimental Steps


1. Warm and dewax in a Leica BOND RX automatic stainer.


2. Perform antigen retrieval in a Leica BOND RX Autostainer using ER1 (Leica's Citra buffer, pH 6) at 100°C for 30 minutes.


3. Incubate with peroxidase blocking reagent (Bond™ Polymer Refine Detection Kit) for 10 minutes, then rinse three times with wash buffer.


4. Apply the diluted antibody on the slide and incubate at room temperature for 1 hour.


5. Wash 3 times with wash buffer.


6. Add primary antibody post-blocking solution (Bond™ Polymer Refine Detection Kit) to the slides and incubate for 30 minutes.


7. Wash 3 times with wash buffer.


8. Add NovoLink polymer (Refine Kit) to the slide and incubate for 30 minutes.


9. Wash 3 times with wash buffer.


10. Add DAB chromogenic substrate (Refine Kit) and develop color for 10 minutes.


11. Wash the slides 5 times with dH2O at room temperature.


12. Counterstain with hematoxylin (Refine Kit) for 8 minutes at room temperature.


13. Wash the slides 5 times with dH2O at room temperature.


  • Ventana Ultra


Required Materials


IHC reagents

- Antibody diluent

- ChromoMap DAB Kit

- Anti-rabbit HQ

- Anti-HQ HRP

- Hematoxylin II

- Bluing reagent

- Anti-PD-L1 antibodies



-Ventana Ultra


Experimental Steps


1. Load the slides onto the Ventana Ultra.


2. Select - Antibody.


3. Selection - Manual application of primary antibody.


4. Warm the slides from cold to 37°C (primary antibody).


5. Manually add primary antibody and incubate for 60 minutes.


6. Select - Linking Antibody.


7. Select - the secondary antibody.


8. Warm the slides from cold to 37°C (secondary antibody).


9. Add a drop of high-quality anti-rabbit secondary antibody (Detection #1) and incubate for 16 minutes.


10. Selection - enzyme conjugate.


11. Add one drop of Anti-HQ HRP (Conjugate #1) and incubate for 16 minutes.


12. Select -DAB.


13.Select - Restain.


14. Optional - Counterstain with RB.


15. Add one drop of Hematoxylin II (counter stain) and incubate for 8 minutes.


16. Selection - post-counter-staining.


17. Optional - Use RB for Post Counterstain.


18. Apply a drop of blueing reagent (Post Counterstain) and incubate for 4 minutes.


  • Dako Omnis


Required Materials


-Primary antibody: PD-L1 antibody

- Washing buffer

- EnV FLEX Peroxidase Blocking Reagent

- EnV FLEX + Rabbit Linker

- Labeled polymer EnV FLEX/HRP

- EnV FLEX Substrate Working Solution


-Deionized water


Experimental Steps


1. Wash twice with wash buffer, 2 minutes and 40 seconds each time.


2. Incubate with primary antibody (PD-L1, 1:400) for 1 hour.


3. Wash 10 times with wash buffer, 2 minutes each time.


4. Endogenous enzyme blocking: Block with EnV FLEX peroxidase blocking reagent for 3 minutes.


5. Wash 10 times with wash buffer, 2 minutes each time.


6. Incubate the secondary antibody (EnV FLEX + Rabbit Linker) for 10 minutes.


7.10 × 2 min with wash buffer.


8. Incubate the labeled polymer (FLEX/HRP) for 20 minutes.


9. Wash.

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer

• 1 × 31 sec, deionized water

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer


10. Incubate the substrate-chromogen (EnV FLEX Substrate Working Solution) for 5 minutes.


11. Wash.

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer

• 1 × 31 sec, deionized water

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer


12. Incubate with counterstain (hematoxylin) for 3 minutes.


13. Wash.

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer

• 10 × 2 min, wash buffer


Phase 3   Dehydration and coverslipping


  • Leica BOND RX


Required Materials


IHC reagents

- Ethanol

- Xylene

- Cytoseal Mounting Medium



- Leica ST5020 Multistainer

- BioGenex i6000 Autostainer

- Leica Auto Coverslipper CV5030


Experimental Steps


1. Remove the slides from the Leica BOND RX autostainer.


2. Mount the slides onto the Leica ST5020 Multistainer.


3. Dehydrate with ethanol.

• 1 × 2 min wash with 70% ethanol

1 × 2 min wash with 95% ethanol

• 1 × 2 min wash with 95% ethanol


4. Wash twice with xylene, 2 minutes each time.


5. Place the coverslip with Cytoseal mounting medium into the Leica Auto Coverslipper CV5030.


  • Ventana Ultra


Required Materials


IHC reagents



-Deionized water

- Cytoseal Mounting Medium



-Ventana Ultra

-Leica ST5020 Multistainer


Experimental Steps


1. Remove the slides from the Ventana Ultra.


2. Wash the slides with soap first , then rinse with deionized water.


3. Mount the slides in a Leica ST5020 Multistainer and use the following procedure.

• Dehydrate with 70% ethanol for 2 minutes

• 95% ethanol for 2 minutes

• 100% ethanol treatment, 3 × 2 minutes

• Rinse in xylene 3 times, 2 minutes each


4. Manually mount the slides with Cytoseal mounting medium and coverslips.


For more product details, please visit Aladdin Scientific website.