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V-Tag Glycopeptide Labeling Kit

Specifications for LT-VTAG-24

Application:For the fluorophore labeling and enrichment of glycopeptides.

Description:This kit contains the reagents needed for the conjugation of V-tag dye (LT- VTAG-01) to the amine moieties of glycopeptides, and the specialised solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges required for the purification and enrichment of the labeled glycopeptides.

Dye Properties:Mass = 434.42 (resulting in a glycopeptide mass increase of 319.33 Da.) Fluorescence, λex= 250 nm,λem= 360 nm. 

Number of Samples:24 separate analytical samples per kit.

Amount of Sample:From approximately 1 µg to 50 µg of glycoprotein per sample. 
Suitable Samples:IgG single subclass glycoproteins. Other glycoproteins can be used, but note that if there are multiple glycosylation sites, the glycopeptides may need to be separated by C18 HPLC before HILIC analysis. It is recommended that samples do not have amine containing solvents (e.g. Tris type buffers) or reduction/alkylation agents as they will interfere with the V-tag labeling.Removal of the amine containing solvents and reduction/alkylation agents can be accomplished using devices which are designed for desalting and buffer exchange, as well as removal of low-molecular weight compounds.

Labeling Selectivity:One V-tag label for every IgG glycopeptide N-terminus. 

StorageStore the V-tag dye at -20°C in the dark. Protect from sources of heat, light and moisture. Once used, extra dye solution can be frozen and re-used. 
Shipping:The product can be shipped at ambient temperature

Handling: Ensure that any glass, plastic-ware or solvents are free from unwanted peptidases, glycosidases and environmental carbohydrates. Use powder-free gloves for all sample handling procedures and avoid contamination with environmental carbohydrates.

Safety: For research use only. Not for human or drug use.

Additional Reagents and Equipment Required

  • Heating block, oven, or similar dry heater set at 37°C for labeling reaction 

  • Reaction vials (e.g. polypropylene micro-centrifuge vials)

  • Collection vials (e.g. polypropylene micro-centrifuge vials) or 96-deep well plate

  • Pipettes (1 to 10 µL, 10 to 100 µl, 20 to 200 µl capacity and 100 to 1000 µl capacity)

  • Vortex and centrifuge

  • Acetonitrile (LC/MS grade)

  • 18.2 MΩ·cm Water

  • 96-well plate extraction vacuum manifold and vacuum pump (optional)

Time Line for Labeling

V-tag labeling and enrichment of glycopeptides method takes approximately 2.5 hours:



Preparation samples

5 min

Addition of dye to samples

5 min

Incubate samples

1 hour

Clean up

1 hour

Labeling Reaction

1,Defrost the V-tag dye solution

Gently defrost it at room temperature before use.Once the V-tag dye is used the spare solution can be re-frozen and re-used. As with many fluorescent dyes, care should be taken to minimise exposure to light as it will degrade the dye over time. 

2,Add V-tag dye to samples

Add 5 μL of the V-tag dye directly to each enzyme digested sample. Vortex and briefly centrifuge thesamples.

Place the reaction vials in a heating block or dry oven set at 37°C and incubate for 1 hour. 

4, Centrifuge and cool

After the incubation period, briefly centrifuge the micro-tubes and allow them to completely cool to room temperature. 

5, Prepare the washing solutions

Prepare solutions 1, 2, and 3 using 10% TFA, acetonitrile and water

NOTE FOR SOLUTIONS 2 and 3: These solutions should be prepared by measuring the volumes of water, acetonitrile and TFA independently and accurately before combining together. The composition of these solutions is critical for good enrichment results.

        Solution 1.Add 1mL of the 10% TFA solution to 99 mL of water.
        Solution 2.Mix together: 152 mL ACN, 46 mL water and 2 mL of the 10% TFA solution. 
        Solution 3.Mix together: 40 mL ACN, 59 mL water and 1 mL of the 10% TFA solution.
        6,Prepare the LC-A cartridges
        Place a LC-A cartridge for each sample into the cartridge holder, and position onto a vacuummanifold. 
        Prime each LC-A cartridge by adding the following solutions, applying a slow vacuum to drain and discarding the flow-through.
        7,Prepare the glycopeptide samples and apply to the LC-A cartridge
        Pipette 150 µL of 100% acetonitrile into the fluorophore labeled sample (typically the volume of the fluorophore labeling mix + glycopeptide sample is 15-25 μL). Gently mix the sample by pipette action and immediately load each sample onto a primed cartridge. Wait 5 minutes and then apply a slow vacuum (taking approximately one minute) to drain the LC-A cartridge. 
        Note: In order to avoid sample precipitation, the addition of acetonitrile should be performed just before applying the sample onto the cartridge. 
        8,Wash the LC-A cartridges
        Wash the cartridges with 3 x 1 mL of 76% acetonitrile, 0.1% TFA solution and discard the flowthrough.
        9,Elute the labeled glycoprotiens
        Remove the cartridge holder, place a deep-well collection plate in the vacuum manifold and re-place the cartridge holder on top. 
        Elute the labeled glycopeptides by adding 0.5 mL of a 0.1% TFA/40% acetonitrile solution to each cartridge and wait for 5 minutes. Apply a slow vacuum taking approximately one minute to completely elute the samples.

        Analysis of V-tag-Labeled Glycopeptides
        U/HPLC analysis
        V-tag labeled glycopeptide mixtures may be separated and analysed by a variety of U/HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography) systems and columns. For the best resolution results we recommend the use of UHPLC separation. Detailed below are the suggested UHPLC conditions which were used for a Vtag labelled, trypsin digested IgG-1 antibody.
        UHPLC sample preparation: 
        1,25 µL of LC-A eluted glycopeptides in 0.1% TFA/40% acetonitrile solution + 35 µL ACN.
        2,Sample injected: 25 µL
        3,Injection mode: partial loop, 50 μL loop, syringe solution 80% acetonitrile
        4,Eluent A: 50 mMol Ammonium Formate, pH = 4.4
        5,Eluent B: Acetonitrile.
        6,Temperature: 60 °C
        7,Detection: Fluorescence, λex = 250 nm, λem = 360 nm


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