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What are the material, dialysis power and speed of viskase dialysis bag?

What are the material, dialysis power and speed of viskase dialysis bag:

Generally, the semi permeable membrane is made into a bag, the sample solution of biomacromolecule is put into the bag, and the dialysis bag is immersed in water or buffer solution. The biomacromolecule with large molecular weight in the sample solution is retained in the bag, while the salt and small molecular substances are continuously diffused and dialyzed outside the bag until the concentration on both sides of the bag reaches equilibrium. The sample solution retained in the dialysis bag but not dialyzed is called "retention solution", and the solution outside the bag (membrane) is called "exudate" or "dialysate". The power of dialysis is diffusion pressure, which is formed by the concentration gradient across both sides of the membrane. The dialysis speed is inversely proportional to the membrane thickness, is proportional to the concentration gradient of small molecular solute to be dialyzed on both sides of the membrane, and is also proportional to the membrane area and temperature, usually 4 ℃ dialysis. Increasing the temperature can accelerate the dialysis speed.

The treatment of viskase dialysis bag before use can be carried out as follows:

1. Cut the dialysis bag into small segments with appropriate length (10-20cm).

2. Boil the dialysis bag in large volume of 2% (W/V) sodium bicarbonate and 1mmol/LEDTA (pH8.0) for 10 minutes.

3. Clean the dialysis bag thoroughly with distilled water.

4. Boil it in 1mmol/LEDTA (pH8.0) for 10 minutes.

5. After cooling, store it at 4 ℃, and ensure that the dialysis bag is always immersed in the solution. Gloves must be worn to remove the dialysis bag from this point on.

6. Fill the dialysis bag with water before use and then drain it out to clean it.

7. Simple treatment method can be used if the experimental requirements are not high: boil in boiling water for 10min before use.


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