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Ioxilan - 10mM in DMSO, high purity , CAS No.107793-72-6(DMSO)

  • 10mM in DMSO
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Basic Description

Specifications & Purity10mM in DMSO
Biochemical and Physiological MechanismsIoxilan is a low-osmolar, nonionic and tri-iodinated diagnostic contrast agent. Ioxilan is also an X-ray contrast agent for excretory urography and contrast enhanced computed tomographic (CECT) imaging of the head and body. Intravascular injection results
Storage TempStore at -80°C
Shipped InIce chest + Ice pads
Product Description

Ioxilan is a low-osmolar, nonionic and tri-iodinated diagnostic contrast agent. Ioxilan is also an X-ray contrast agent for excretory urography and contrast enhanced computed tomographic (CECT) imaging of the head and body. Intravascular injection results in opacification of vessels in the path of flow of the contrast medium, permitting radiographic visualization of the internal structures of the human body until significant hemodilution occurs .

In Vitro

As a low-osmolar nonionic monomer, Ioxilan increases the safety and tolerance of X-ray contrast agents. The development of Ioxilan is based on the introduction of a double methylene as a hydrophobic region and masking it with a hydrophilic hydroxyl group could lower the osmolality without adversely affecting the biological tolerance. MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

In Vivo

Rapid intravenous injection of water-soluble X-ray contrast agents (Ioxilan) can be performed with dynamic computed tomography to improve the detectability of liver lesions. When injected intravenously, water-soluble, intravenous X-ray contrast agents are largely distributed in the extracellular fluid space and excreted unchanged by the kidneys. Contrast enhancement of a region of interest depends on the route of administration, delivery of the agent to the area by blood flow, and the final iodine concentration in the region . MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

Names and Identifiers

Molecular Weight 791.11


C of A & Other Certificates(BSE/TSE, COO)

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