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DescriptionProtein kinase C zeta type

Gene and Protein Information

Gene ID5590
Uniprot Accession IDs A8K4N0 A8MU64 B7Z2J7 E9PCW2 Q15207 Q5SYT5 Q969S4
Ensembl ID ENSP00000367830
FamilyBelongs to the protein kinase superfamily. AGC Ser/Thr protein kinase family. PKC subfamily.
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Homologous gene and protein info.
SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolNameTax IDOther Gene IDSources
Macaque100430236LOC100430236protein kinase C zeta type-like9544Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Mouse18762Prkczprotein kinase C, zeta10090MGI:97602Inparanoid, OMA
Rat25522Prkczprotein kinase C, zeta10116RGD:3399Inparanoid, OMA
Dog479577PRKCZprotein kinase C zeta9615VGNC:44985Inparanoid, OMA
Horse100064240PRKCZprotein kinase C zeta9796VGNC:21850Inparanoid, OMA
Cow286877PRKCZprotein kinase C zeta9913VGNC:33336Inparanoid, OMA
Chicken419399PRKCZprotein kinase C zeta9031CGNC:866Inparanoid, OMA
Xenopus100101769prkczprotein kinase C zeta8364XB-GENE-494709Inparanoid, OMA
Zebrafish555737prkczprotein kinase C, zeta7955ZDB-GENE-070511-1Inparanoid, OMA
C. elegans173914pkc-3Protein kinase C-like 36239Inparanoid, OMA

Protein Classes

protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    non-receptor serine/threonine protein kinase    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    transfer/carrier protein    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    protein kinase    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    calmodulin    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    annexin    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    transferase    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
protein    /    calcium-binding protein    /    kinase    /    Protein kinase c zeta type
DTO Classes
protein    /    Kinase    /    Protein kinase    /    AGC group    /    PKC family    /    PKC iota subfamily    /    Protein kinase c zeta type

Associated Recombinant Proteins

NameSpecification and purityExpression systemProtein labelAvailabilityView Details

Associated Antibodies

NameSpecificationsSpecies reactivityApplicationAvailabilityView Details

Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

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      NameDirect Associated TargetsDisease TypeMondoid


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