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DescriptionMineralocorticoid receptor

Gene and Protein Information

Gene ID4306
Uniprot Accession IDs B0ZBF5 B0ZBF7 Q2NKL1 Q96KQ8 Q96KQ9 MR
Ensembl ID ENSP00000350815
FamilyBelongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family. NR3 subfamily.
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Homologous gene and protein info.
SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolNameTax IDOther Gene IDSources
Chimp461533NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29598VGNC:2971OMA, EggNOG
Macaque704789NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29544Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Mouse110784Nr3c2nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 210090MGI:99459Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Rat25672Nr3c2nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 210116RGD:3094Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Dog475461NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29615VGNC:43953Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Horse100062570NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29796VGNC:20870Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Cow537614NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29913VGNC:32244Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Opossum100018377NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 213616Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Platypus100080085NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29258Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Chicken374131NR3C2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 29031CGNC:49053OMA, EggNOG
Anole lizard100566367nr3c2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 228377Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Xenopus100487449nr3c2nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 28364XB-GENE-483085Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG

Protein Classes

protein    /    transcription factor    /    Mineralocorticoid receptor
protein    /    receptor    /    Mineralocorticoid receptor
protein    /    nucleic acid binding    /    Mineralocorticoid receptor
protein    /    C4 zinc finger nuclear receptor    /    Mineralocorticoid receptor
DTO Classes
protein    /    Nuclear receptor    /    3-Ketosteroid receptors    /    Mineralocorticoid receptor

Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands


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