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DescriptionInduced myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein Mcl-1

Gene and Protein Information

Gene ID4170
Uniprot Accession IDs B2R6B2 D3DV03 D3DV04 Q9HD91 Q9NRQ3 Q9NRQ4 Q9UHR7 Q9UHR8 Q9UHR9 Q9UNJ1
Ensembl ID ENSP00000358022
Symbol BCL2L3 TM EAT MCL1L MCL1S Mcl-1 BCL2L3 MCL1-ES bcl2-L-3 mcl1/EAT
FamilyBelongs to the Bcl-2 family.
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Homologous gene and protein info.
SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolNameTax IDOther Gene IDSources
Chimp457274MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator9598VGNC:1312OMA, EggNOG
Macaque707539MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator9544Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Mouse17210Mcl1myeloid cell leukemia sequence 110090MGI:101769Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Dog403537MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator9615VGNC:43079Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Horse100054765MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator9796VGNC:20032Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Cow788087MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator9913Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Opossum100017262MCL1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator13616Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Anole lizard100556744mcl1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator28377Inparanoid, EggNOG
Xenopus100038211mcl1MCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator8364XB-GENE-487620Inparanoid, EggNOG
Zebrafish58122mcl1aMCL1, BCL2 family apoptosis regulator a7955ZDB-GENE-000511-7Inparanoid, OMA

Protein Classes

protein    /    signaling molecule    /    Induced myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein Mcl-1
DTO Classes
protein    /    Signaling    /    Induced myeloid leukemia cell differentiation protein Mcl-1

Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

      NameDirect Associated TargetsDisease TypeMondoid
      aldosterone-producing adenoma698Expression AtlasMONDO:0004972
      astrocytic glioma3773Expression AtlasMONDO:0021636
      Astrocytoma, Pilocytic3186Expression AtlasMONDO:0016691
      atypical teratoid / rhabdoid tumor5491Expression AtlasMONDO:0020560
      breast carcinoma2011Expression AtlasMONDO:0004989
      chronic rhinosinusitis616Expression AtlasMONDO:0005961
      COPD393Expression AtlasMONDO:0005002
      cutaneous lupus erythematosus1094Expression AtlasMONDO:0005282
      diabetes mellitus1167Expression AtlasMONDO:0005015
      Down syndrome498Expression AtlasMONDO:0008608
