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DescriptionVascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2

Gene and Protein Information

Gene ID3791
Uniprot Accession IDs A2RRS0 B5A925 C5IFA0 O60723 Q14178 VEGFR-2
Ensembl ID ENSP00000263923
FamilyBelongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. CSF-1/PDGF receptor subfamily.
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Homologous gene and protein info.
SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolNameTax IDOther Gene IDSources
Chimp461315KDRkinase insert domain receptor9598VGNC:755OMA, EggNOG
Macaque698293KDRkinase insert domain receptor9544Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Mouse16542Kdrkinase insert domain protein receptor10090MGI:96683Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Rat25589Kdrkinase insert domain receptor10116RGD:2965Inparanoid, OMA
Dog482154KDRkinase insert domain receptor9615VGNC:42331Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Horse100033959KDRkinase insert domain receptor9796VGNC:19344Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Cow407170KDRkinase insert domain receptor9913VGNC:30535Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Pig397311KDRkinase insert domain receptor9823Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
Opossum100017311KDRkinase insert domain receptor13616Inparanoid, OMA, EggNOG
PlatypusKDRkinase insert domain receptor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:6307]9258OMA, EggNOG
Chicken395323KDRkinase insert domain receptor9031CGNC:10404Inparanoid, OMA
Anole lizard100551738kdrkinase insert domain receptor28377Inparanoid, OMA
Xenopus100487501kdrkinase insert domain receptor8364XB-GENE-6053213Inparanoid, OMA
Zebrafish554230kdrkinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase)7955ZDB-GENE-041001-112Inparanoid, OMA

Protein Classes

DTO Classes
protein    /    Kinase    /    Protein kinase    /    TK group    /    VEGFR family    /    Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2

Associated Recombinant Proteins

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Associated Antibodies

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Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

      NameDirect Associated TargetsDisease TypeMondoid


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