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Protein or Target Summary

Krueppel-like factor 10

Gene ID7071
Gene NameKLF10
Ensernbl IDENSP00000285407
FamilyBelongs to the Sp1 C2H2-type zinc-finger protein family.
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Gene and Protein Information

SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolGene NameUniprot
HUMAN7071KLF10Krueppel-like factor 10Q13118
MOUSEKlf10Krueppel-like factor 10A0A2I3BPZ3
MOUSEKlf10Krueppel-like factor 10A0A2I3BRQ2
MOUSEKlf10Krueppel-like factor 10A0A2I3BQ59
MOUSEKlf10GC Binding Protein - 23bQ61596
MOUSEKlf10Krueppel-like factor 10A0A2I3BRS7
MOUSEKlf10Uncharacterized proteinQ3U3K0
MOUSE21847Klf10Krueppel-like factor 10Q8C900
MOUSE21847Klf10Krueppel-like factor 10O89091
RATKlf10Krueppel-like factor 10A0A0G2JX73
RAT81813Klf10Krueppel-like factor 10O08876

Protein Classes

protein    /    nucleic acid binding    /    DNA binding protein    /    Krueppel-like factor 10
protein    /    nucleic acid binding    /    transcription cofactor    /    Krueppel-like factor 10
protein    /    nucleic acid binding    /    zinc finger transcription factor    /    Krueppel-like factor 10
DTO Classes
protein    /    Nucleic acid binding    /    DNA binding protein    /    Krueppel-like factor 10

Associated Recombinant Proteins

NameSpecification and purityExpression systemProtein labelActivityView Details

Associated Antibodies

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Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

      NameDisease TypeMondoid


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