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Protein or Target Summary

Negative elongation factor E

Gene ID7936
Gene NameNELFE
Ensernbl IDENSP00000364578
FamilyBelongs to the RRM NELF-E family.
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Gene and Protein Information

SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolGene NameUniprot
HUMAN7936NELFENegative elongation factor EP18615
MOUSENelfeNegative elongation factor EG3UY39
MOUSE27632NelfeUncharacterized proteinQ3UIA1
MOUSE27632NelfeNegative elongation factor EP19426
RATNelfeNegative elongation factor complex member EA0A096MJX9
RAT294258NelfeNegative elongation factor complex member EQ6MG75

Associated Recombinant Proteins

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Associated Antibodies

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Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

      NameDisease TypeMondoid


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