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DescriptionRetinoic acid receptor RXR-alpha

Gene and Protein Information

Gene ID6256
Uniprot Accession IDs B3KY83 Q2NL52 Q2V504
Ensembl ID ENSP00000419692
Symbol NR2B1 NR2B1
FamilyBelongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family. NR2 subfamily.
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Homologous gene and protein info.
SpeciesGene IDGene SymbolNameTax IDOther Gene IDSources
Mouse20181Rxraretinoid X receptor alpha10090MGI:98214Inparanoid, OMA
Rat25271Rxraretinoid X receptor alpha10116RGD:3610Inparanoid, OMA
Dog491278RXRAretinoid X receptor alpha9615VGNC:45817Inparanoid, OMA
Horse100069096RXRAretinoid X receptor alpha9796VGNC:22639Inparanoid, OMA
Cow507554RXRAretinoid X receptor alpha9913VGNC:34230Inparanoid, OMA
Platypus100074625RXRAretinoid X receptor alpha9258Inparanoid, OMA
Chicken417143RXRAretinoid X receptor alpha9031CGNC:1890Inparanoid, OMA
Xenopus100487877rxraretinoid X receptor alpha8364XB-GENE-478718Inparanoid, OMA
Zebrafish555578rxraaretinoid X receptor, alpha a7955ZDB-GENE-070314-2Inparanoid, OMA

Protein Classes

protein    /    transcription factor    /    Retinoic acid receptor rxr-alpha
protein    /    receptor    /    Retinoic acid receptor rxr-alpha
protein    /    nucleic acid binding    /    Retinoic acid receptor rxr-alpha
protein    /    C4 zinc finger nuclear receptor    /    Retinoic acid receptor rxr-alpha
DTO Classes
protein    /    Nuclear receptor    /    Retinoid X receptors    /    Retinoic acid receptor rxr-alpha

Associated Antibodies

NameSpecificationsSpecies reactivityApplicationAvailabilityView Details

Associated Approved Drugs

    Associated Active Ligands

      Associated Diseases

      NameDirect Associated TargetsDisease TypeMondoid
      astrocytoma3773Expression AtlasMONDO:0021636
      chronic lymphocytic leukemia479Expression AtlasMONDO:0004948
      group 4 medulloblastoma7142Expression AtlasMONDO:0007959
      interstitial cystitis2307Expression AtlasMONDO:0018301
      invasive ductal carcinoma2965Expression AtlasMONDO:0004953
      lung carcinoma2913Expression AtlasMONDO:0005138
      medulloblastoma, large-cell6269Expression AtlasMONDO:0002791
      mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma486Expression AtlasMONDO:0007650
      osteosarcoma7970Expression AtlasMONDO:0009807
      ovarian cancer8576Expression AtlasMONDO:0008170


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