
ID: ALA4450426

Chembl Id: CHEMBL4450426

PubChem CID: 155520905

Max Phase: Preclinical

Molecular Formula: C13H12F3N7O

Molecular Weight: 339.28

Molecule Type: Unknown

Associated Items:

Names and Identifiers

Canonical SMILES:  N=C(N)NC(=O)c1nc(-c2ccc(C(F)(F)F)cc2)c(N)nc1N

Standard InChI:  InChI=1S/C13H12F3N7O/c14-13(15,16)6-3-1-5(2-4-6)7-9(17)22-10(18)8(21-7)11(24)23-12(19)20/h1-4H,(H4,17,18,22)(H4,19,20,23,24)


Alternative Forms

  1. Parent:



Associated Targets(Human)

PLAU Tchem Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (2016 Activities)
Activity TypeRelationActivity valueUnitsAction TypeJournalPubMed IddoiAssay Aladdin ID

Molecule Features

Natural Product: NoOral: NoChemical Probe: NoParenteral: No
Molecule Type: UnknownTopical: NoFirst In Class: NoBlack Box: No
Chirality: NoAvailability: NoProdrug: No

Drug Indications

MESH IDMESH Heading EFO IDsEFO TermsMax Phase for IndicationReferences

Mechanisms of Action

Mechanism of ActionAction Typetarget IDTarget NameTarget TypeTarget OrganismBinding Site NameReferences

Calculated Properties

Molecular Weight: 339.28Molecular Weight (Monoisotopic): 339.1055AlogP: 0.95#Rotatable Bonds: 2
Polar Surface Area: 156.79Molecular Species: NEUTRALHBA: 6HBD: 5
#RO5 Violations: HBA (Lipinski): 8HBD (Lipinski): 8#RO5 Violations (Lipinski): 1
CX Acidic pKa: 11.86CX Basic pKa: 6.76CX LogP: 1.59CX LogD: 1.50
Aromatic Rings: 2Heavy Atoms: 24QED Weighted: 0.40Np Likeness Score: -0.63


1. Buckley BJ, Majed H, Aboelela A, Minaei E, Jiang L, Fildes K, Cheung CY, Johnson D, Bachovchin D, Cook GM, Huang M, Ranson M, Kelso MJ..  (2019)  6-Substituted amiloride derivatives as inhibitors of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator for use in metastatic disease.,  29  (24): [PMID:31679971] [10.1016/j.bmcl.2019.126753]
2. Buckley BJ,Aboelela A,Majed H,Bujaroski RS,White KL,Powell AK,Wang W,Katneni K,Saunders J,Shackleford DM,Charman SA,Cook GM,Kelso MJ,Ranson M.  (2021)  Systematic evaluation of structure-property relationships and pharmacokinetics in 6-(hetero)aryl-substituted matched pair analogs of amiloride and 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride.,  37  [PMID:33799173] [10.1016/j.bmc.2021.116116]
