
ID: ALA4755149

Chembl Id: CHEMBL4755149

PubChem CID: 86278982

Max Phase: Preclinical

Molecular Formula: C20H20N8O

Molecular Weight: 388.44

Molecule Type: Unknown

Associated Items:

Names and Identifiers

Canonical SMILES:  COc1ccc(-n2nnc3cnc(N[C@@H]4CCN(c5ccncc5)C4)nc32)cc1

Standard InChI:  InChI=1S/C20H20N8O/c1-29-17-4-2-16(3-5-17)28-19-18(25-26-28)12-22-20(24-19)23-14-8-11-27(13-14)15-6-9-21-10-7-15/h2-7,9-10,12,14H,8,11,13H2,1H3,(H,22,23,24)/t14-/m1/s1


Associated Targets(Human)

MAPK6 Tchem Mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 (562 Activities)
Activity TypeRelationActivity valueUnitsAction TypeJournalPubMed IddoiAssay Aladdin ID

Molecule Features

Natural Product: NoOral: NoChemical Probe: NoParenteral: No
Molecule Type: UnknownTopical: NoFirst In Class: NoBlack Box: No
Chirality: NoAvailability: NoProdrug: No

Drug Indications

MESH IDMESH Heading EFO IDsEFO TermsMax Phase for IndicationReferences

Mechanisms of Action

Mechanism of ActionAction Typetarget IDTarget NameTarget TypeTarget OrganismBinding Site NameReferences

Calculated Properties

Molecular Weight: 388.44Molecular Weight (Monoisotopic): 388.1760AlogP: 2.30#Rotatable Bonds: 5
Polar Surface Area: 93.88Molecular Species: BASEHBA: 9HBD: 1
#RO5 Violations: HBA (Lipinski): 9HBD (Lipinski): 1#RO5 Violations (Lipinski):
CX Acidic pKa: CX Basic pKa: 8.71CX LogP: 2.16CX LogD: 1.32
Aromatic Rings: 4Heavy Atoms: 29QED Weighted: 0.56Np Likeness Score: -1.87


1. Grädler U,Busch M,Leuthner B,Raba M,Burgdorf L,Lehmann M,Linde N,Esdar C.  (2020)  Biochemical, cellular and structural characterization of novel and selective ERK3 inhibitors.,  30  (22): [PMID:32927028] [10.1016/j.bmcl.2020.127551]
