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HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody - Primary antibody, specific to CBX3, Rabbit IgG

  • Carrier Free
  • ExactAb™
  • High performance
  • Validated
  • Lot by Lot
Features and benefits
  • Short Overview:

    pAb; Rabbit anti Human HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody; WB; Unconjugated

  • Species reactivity(Reacts with): Human,Mouse,Rat
  • Isotype: Rabbit IgG
  • WB
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pAb; Rabbit anti Human HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody; WB; Unconjugated

Basic Description

Product NameHP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody - Primary antibody, specific to CBX3, Rabbit IgG
SynonymsHECH | Heterochromatin protein 1 homolog gamma | HP1 gamma | Modifier 2 protein | CBX 3 antibody | CBX3 antibody | CBX3_HUMAN antibody | Chromobox homolog 3 (HP1 gamma homolog, Drosophila) antibody | Chromobox homolog 3 antibody | Chromobox protein homolo
Specifications & PurityExactAb™, Validated, Carrier Free, High performance, Lot by Lot
Host speciesRabbit
ImmunogenRecombinant CBX3 expressed in E.coli (AA 1-183).
Positive ControlWB: A375, HeLa, Hep G2, HUVEC, NIH/3T3 and C6 cell lysates.
GradeCarrier Free, ExactAb™, High performance, Validated
Product Description

Rabbit anti Human HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody, Polyclonal, could be used for WB and so on.
WB: 0.01-2µg/mL
Protein Function
Seems to be involved in transcriptional silencing in heterochromatin-like complexes. Recognizes and binds histone H3 tails methylated at 'Lys-9', leading to epigenetic repression. May contribute to the association of the heterochromatin with the inner nuclear membrane through its interaction with lamin B receptor (LBR). Involved in the formation of functional kinetochore through interaction with MIS12 complex proteins.
Phosphorylated by PIM1. Phosphorylated during interphase and possibly hyper-phosphorylated during mitosis.

Product Properties

IsotypeRabbit IgG
Purification MethodProtein A purified
ConcentrationLot by Lot
Storage TempStore at -20°C,Avoid repeated freezing and thawing
Shipped InIce chest + Ice pads
Stability And StorageStore at 4°C short term (1-2 weeks). Store at -20°C long term (24 months). Upon delivery aliquot. Avoid freeze/thaw cycle.


HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody (Ab108619) - Western Blot
All lanes: HP1 gamma/CBX3 Antibody (Ab108619) at 1/1000 dilution
Samples: Lysates at 20 µg per lane
Secondary: Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) (Ab176443) at 1/20000 dilution

Predicted band size: 21 kDa
Observed band size: 22 kDa
Exposure time: 1.0 s

Associated Targets

CBX3 Tbio Chromobox protein homolog 3 0 Activities

Activity TypeActivity Value -log(M)Mechanism of ActionActivity ReferencePublications (PubMed IDs)


ApplicationDilution info

0.01-2 µg/mL


Certificate of Analysis(COA)

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To view the certificate results,please click on a Lot number.For Lot numbers from past orders,please use our order status section

3 results found

Lot NumberCertificate TypeDateItem
ZJ24F0303933Certificate of AnalysisMar 31, 2024 Ab108619
ZJ24F0303932Certificate of AnalysisMar 31, 2024 Ab108619
ZJ24F0303931Certificate of AnalysisMar 31, 2024 Ab108619

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