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Spironolactone - ≥97 %, high purity , Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, CAS No.52-01-7, Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist

Specifications & Purity:  ≥97 %
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Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist

Basic Description

Synonymsspironolactone|52-01-7|Aldactone|Spirolactone|Verospirone|Euteberol|Verospiron|Spirolang|Acelat|Spironocompren|Melarcon|Spiresis|Spiridon|Spiroctan|Uractone|Urusonin|Alderon|Spirone|Xenalon|Dira|Spiro-Tablinen|Aldactone A|Spironolactone A|spironolattone|S
Specifications & Purity≥97 %
Storage TempStore at -20°C
Shipped InDry ice
Mechanism of actionMineralocorticoid receptor antagonist

Product Properties


Associated Targets

NR3C1 Tclin Glucocorticoid receptor 1 Activities

Activity TypeActivity Value -log(M)Mechanism of ActionActivity ReferencePublications (PubMed IDs)

NR3C2 Tclin Mineralocorticoid receptor 13 Activities

Activity TypeActivity Value -log(M)Mechanism of ActionActivity ReferencePublications (PubMed IDs)

AR Tclin Androgen receptor 1 Activities

Activity TypeActivity Value -log(M)Mechanism of ActionActivity ReferencePublications (PubMed IDs)

Names and Identifiers

IUPAC Name S-[(7R,8R,9S,10R,13S,14S,17R)-10,13-dimethyl-3,5'-dioxospiro[2,6,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16-decahydro-1H-cyclopenta[a]phenanthrene-17,2'-oxolane]-7-yl] ethanethioate
INCHI InChI=1S/C24H32O4S/c1-14(25)29-19-13-15-12-16(26)4-8-22(15,2)17-5-9-23(3)18(21(17)19)6-10-24(23)11-7-20(27)28-24/h12,17-19,21H,4-11,13H2,1-3H3/t17-,18-,19+,21+,22-,23-,24+/m0/s1
Canonical SMILES CC(=O)SC1CC2=CC(=O)CCC2(C3C1C4CCC5(C4(CC3)C)CCC(=O)O5)C
Isomeric SMILES CC(=O)S[C@@H]1CC2=CC(=O)CC[C@@]2([C@@H]3[C@@H]1[C@@H]4CC[C@]5([C@]4(CC3)C)CCC(=O)O5)C
Alternate CAS 52-01-7
PubChem CID 5833
NSC Number 150399
MeSH Entry Terms Aldactone;Aldactone A;Aquareduct;Ct, Spiro Von;duraspiron;Espironolactona Alter;Espironolactona Mundogen;Flumach;Frumikal;Jenaspiron;Novo Spiroton;Novo-Spiroton;NovoSpiroton;Practon;SC 9420;SC-9420;SC9420;Spiractin;Spiro L.U.T.;spiro von ct;Spirobeta;Spir
Molecular Weight 416.57


Certificate of Analysis(COA)

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8 results found

Lot NumberCertificate TypeDateItem
F2116023Certificate of AnalysisApr 02, 2024 S303875
D2110375Certificate of AnalysisFeb 23, 2024 S303875
I2207046Certificate of AnalysisJun 23, 2022 S303875
I2207048Certificate of AnalysisJun 23, 2022 S303875
I2207049Certificate of AnalysisJun 23, 2022 S303875
L2319092Certificate of AnalysisJun 23, 2022 S303875
F2227039Certificate of AnalysisMar 09, 2021 S303875
G2201704Certificate of AnalysisMar 09, 2021 S303875

Chemical and Physical Properties

SolubilitySoluble in chloroform and methanol. Slightly soluble in water.
Melt Point(°C)207-208 °C (lit.)

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